Lights | Colours

UKBC 2023 Photo Contest

Bengali | Durga

ukbc 2023 photo contest

A dhamake-daar celebration

UKBC 2023 Photo Contest – Rules and Regulations


ukbc x MyMahotsav

Contest Description: The UKBC 2023 Photo Contest, hosted by MyMahotsav, celebrates the vibrant Bengali culture, heritage, and traditions showcased at the UK Bengali Cultural Festival (UKBC) 2023. Through this contest, we invite all Bengalis in the UK and around the world who have attended the UKBC 2023 event or are associated with it to share their memorable moments captured in photographs. The contest aims to capture the essence of Bengali culture, art, fashion, food, and the love for tradition.

Contest Duration:

  • Start Date: 9th September 2023
  • End Date: 24th September 2023

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Open to all Bengalis in the UK and around the world.
  • Participants must have attended the UKBC 2023 event or be associated with it.

Entry Categories:

Participants can enter under the following categories:

  1. Cultural Bengali: Art, Heritage, Culture
  2. Bengali Loves: Fashion, Fun, Friends, and Food
  3. Flagbearer Bengali: Young Performers

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Log in to the MyMahotsav platform and complete your profile details.
  2. Visit the Photo Contest page and upload your images.
  3. Answer additional questions for each photo entry.
  4. Please make sure you have taken the necessary permission from the person, and carer of the minor if any before uploading their image.
  5. Participants can submit entries in multiple photo categories, with a maximum of 10 photos across all categories combined.
  6. Photo requirements:
    • The photo must be larger than 350 x 350 px.
    • The maximum size allowed is 1920 x 1920 px.
    • Please read the photo contest rules and prizes before submitting your entry.

Judging Criteria:

Entries will be judged based on the following criteria:

  1. Relevance to the theme of the category.
  2. Creativity and artistic expression.
  3. Technical quality.
  4. Connection to Bengali culture and tradition.
  5. Popular vote by the MyMahotsav community.


Prizes for each category:

  • 1st Prize: £50 gift voucher
  • 2nd Prize: £25 gift voucher
  • We are in advance talks with 2 advertisers, Additional prizes and top-ups may be announced as the competition progresses. Stay tuned for updates.

Notification of Winners:

Winners will be notified on 1st October 2023. The results will also be posted on MyMahotsav’s platform and social media channels.

Rights and Permissions:

By submitting your content, you grant MyMahotsav the right to use, copy, adapt, edit, and display the content for marketing, product improvement, and any other commercial purposes. MyMahotsav may also create derivative works from the content. Your moral rights as the author will be waived.


Participants may be disqualified if they:

  • Submit inappropriate or offensive content.
  • Violate the rights of other individuals or organizations.
  • Fail to obtain explicit consent for content referring to or relating to any living person.

Contact Information:

For any questions or concerns, please contact MyMahotsav support through chat, phone, or email at

Legal Compliance:

This contest complies with GDPR rules and regulations to protect your data and privacy. You have the choice to delete your data at any time you want. All photos submitted in the photo contest would be publicly displayed and MyMahotsav would be promoting the photo-contest in their social media and other social feeds. The photos would remain public for a duration of 3 years after the last date of submission.


UKBC trustees have allowed permission to host the UKBC 2023 Photo Contest on MyMahotsav’s platform. UKBC and its members or trustees are not responsible for any aspects of the photo contest, including the judging process

Days :

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